What is well conceived can be expressed clearly and the words to say it flow with ease.
Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux
Clear and well-written text communicates effectively. It reflects a thorough understanding of the subject, gives the impression that careful thought has gone into the writing, and inspires confidence in a reader. Spelling and grammar that conform to generally acceptable norms are crucial to the credibility of any piece of writing, while mistakes can undermine a reader’s trust.
Many people find it difficult to express themselves in writing. As an editor, I can help you say what you want to clearly and coherently. Think of an editor as someone who can help you use words to get your message across. Many of us hesitate to tackle wiring or plumbing jobs ourselves, and prefer to employ a professional electrician or plumber because they can usually be trusted to do a better job than we would.
Even experienced writers find that closeness to their own work often makes it difficult for them to see problems. A fresh pair of eyes can spot mistakes and inconsistencies, and identify potential improvements, much more quickly and easily.
I offer copyediting, proofreading, web editing and proofing, and transcription services. I can also rewrite, repurpose or restyle any document for print or online circulation. I have over 35 years of freelance editorial experience with academic and, popular books, reference works, catalogues, journals, reports, websites and many other kinds of publications.